Distance is your new BFF by Claire
Distance is your best friend written by Claire Happy finals week! I know that this time in the semester is filled with many contradicting emotions, with stress being the most prominent one. Getting your writing turned in and with confidence is a struggle no matter where you are in your educational journey. I know many of you are turning in seminar papers! And as writers, it's easy to get attached to your writing. You may feel like every word you've written is perfect, and you can't imagine changing a thing. Or you could feel that you’ve done all that you can do and it’s too complicated to fix things at this stage! Taking a step back from your writing during revisions can actually be incredibly beneficial. Here are a few reasons why: 1. Fresh eyes are generative! When you've been staring at the same piece of writing for hours or days on end, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. You may find yourself making the same changes over and over again without rea...