Weekly Spotlight

Each week the graduate consultant running the program's daily operations will monitor our Progress Log and pick an individual whose progress we want to highlight each week. These highlights will appear on the HWC Graduate Writing webpage and the Write with Me blog. This element is about celebration and collaboration– your hard work should be acknowledged!


Destiny (3rd year PhD Comp/Rhet)

Destiny is one of this program's most committed members as she continuously keeps herself accountable via our Progress Log Asynchronous Opportunity. We want to highlight all her work so far during our 5 weeks together. So, let's get into everything Destiny has accomplished so far this Spring:              

Destiny has finished a collaborative draft of an article she has been working on, practiced and presented a  conference presentation, and started revising her IRB  for her dissertation. She has also sent in a full draft of her prospectus and finished coding a data set to boot!

As you can see, Destiny is an obvious choice for Spotlight of the Week! Not only does she get work done for herself, but she also contributes to our community by cheering and celebrating the other participants on the Progress Log. Great job, Destiny!


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